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Welcome to the home page of our swimming school for children and infants!

Our swimming pool is located in Riga, Jugla district. We specialize in teaching swimming to preschool age children (from 2-month-olds to 7-year-olds).

Follow our Instagram and TikTok to see our fun daily activities and events:

A short video about what we do:

Our strengths: 

- Warmest pool in town 33°C 

Now, when getting into the pool, you and your child will have only positive emotions;

- English speaking staff

Our teachers are fluent in English, so translation would not be a problem

- Both parents can be in the water with their child simultaneously at no additional cost.

- Effective and interactive teaching methods

Our senior coach has been trained by the world's best specialists from the USA, Australia, Russia, Sweden and the UK;

- Unisex changing rooms;

You no longer need to think about which changing room to use when attend the lesson as father with a daughter or mother with a son.

- Small groups and a lot of individual coach attention

Why choose classes with parents?

We always advise you to choose classes in the format of "together with the parent", because:

 - swimming lessons are a fun and interesting activity for both the child and the parent;

 - in this format, the child receives individual attention and adult assistance throughout the whole class;

 - it's safer;

 - it strengthens the relationship between the child and the parent, as the parent is able to pay undivided attention to their child, without being distracted by external factors (eg, mobile phone). This is great for a modern family, where the parent is often torn between several children, work, different activities, etc.

 - this gives you the opportunity to get to know your child better (to know what his character is, how the child behaves when he does not get something the way he wants, to support the child in difficult moments, to enjoy the success togetner, etc.);

 - parents get valuable knowledge about how to teach a child to swim, what are the most common mistakes, how to behave safely around the water. All this knowledge can later be applied, being with the child on the river, on the lake, in the pool at the resort, at the sea, etc.

Why small group classes are better than individual classes?

 - Together it's more fun!

 - Children can take an example from those who are well engaged and repeat after them.

How often is it recommended to go to swimming classes?

 - The optimal result is achieved by attending classes at least 2 times a week. 

What if twice a week is too expensive for our family 

or we just do not have enough time?

In this case, it is enough to go once a week, while compensating for that with doing the homework as regularly as possible - activities assigned by the coach, which do not require the pool and home conditions are enough. And also to train the skills gained in the class while swimming in the rivers, lakes, Spa pools, etc.

Why swimming is the best extracurricular activity for preschool children?

 - The ability to swim is a skill for life;

 - Swimming is a phisical activity beneficial to health, and after the classses children sleep better, their appetite improves and they get ill less often;

 - Most of the children love to be in the water, dive and play;

 - Swimming is an appropriate activity for children of any age (starting with 2-month-old infants);

 - Swimming develops will and personality, socializes the child;

The main goal of our swimming program is to teach your child to swim 1 kilometer (!!!). The youngest child who achieved this goal was only 4 years old. Though the average age when children reach this result is 8 years.


Swimming classes with parents for children from 2 months to 7 years:

  • 1х - 20€


  • 4х - 70€ (1x - 17.50€)

  • 10х - 150€ (1x - 15€)

Subscription is valid for 1 year.

Promotion - bring a friend and get one lesson for free!

Registration and additional information tel. +371 22827843

(it is best to write us via whatsapp but if you do not want to write, you can also call)

📍How to find us

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